Fate Pdq Take 2
This is taken from our campaign using the Spirit of the Century setting, so it has an SotC feel
Qualities form a pyramid
- 1 Master quality
- 2 Excellent qualities
- 3 Good qualities
Aspects/Fate Points
- Fate Points and Aspects as in SotC (maneuvers, scenes, assessment and declaration, etc.)
- PC start with 7 aspects, with 3 suggested to be allocated for stunts (below are suggestions)
- description (women can't resist me, I will never give in, I can't afford to love, family first) — motivations, tendencies, etc. (capabilities are MOSTLY covered by qualities — see stunt)
- connection (jetpack, Master Tong's Nephew in Law) — probably not needed because of qualities
- situation (someone's out to break me down)
- story (going from rags to riches, The State Must Prevail)
- stunt (Wire Fu Manchu, fencer extraordinare)
- check out Twist of FATE for cool aspects and ideas
- Qualities double as aspects but do not increase refresh rate (this seemed to water things down)
- Fate points function as in SotC (e.g. dice rolls; unfocused: +1, focused: +2 or reroll choosing best result)
Spin spin occurs when you beat a roll by 4
Stunts — Dramatic invocation as in the Stuntless Rules
Mysterious qualities
- Suggested limit: one per character
- Can accomplish normally impossible things
- Cost points as if they were one level higher
- Reduce refresh by 1 per mysterious quality
- Make one of the dice automatically a 6 during a roll where they are the primary quality
- Cost the user one failure rank for a successful use, one damage rank for backlash (roll of all 1s)
- Can be very general but are normally used in specific ways
- The PC can choose MOD specific uses at the beginning of each day which are immediately available for use (write them up)
- Unforseen uses don't work well during conflicts because they take several minutes to perform
- every 2 sessions, each PC gets one additional quality level
- qualities stay in pyramid arrangement
- you must have more Good qualities than Expert qualities and more Expert qualities than Master qualities
- every session, you can exchange two qualities if they are in adjacent levels (upper/lower)
- this means you can get a new Master quality every 12 sessions (roughly one per quarter for weekly sessions)
- tweak the "2 sessions" number if you don't like that rate
- when you have more qualities than aspects, take an additional aspect
- Mooks defend with their target number (not opposed roll) and if they lose, they're taken out
- NPCs (not named) defend with their target number and if they lose, they take damage
- Named NPCs defend as normal characters (opposed rolls)
- Against a normal NPC (not named), players can choose to defend with their target number instead of rolling (normal FP rules still apply — on a failed defense, the player can still spend an FP for 1d+6, etc.)
For reference: FATE + PDQ, Take 1
page revision: 19, last edited: 13 Feb 2009 08:12